Profile PictureYerGodDamnRight (GD, YGDR)


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Do you have what it takes to become a yoyo master!? Well do or don't you will now, as you impress your friends with this ticktastic yoyo.

Feel immersion with this motion activated yoyo, that's right no gesture needed! Its all in the flick of the wrist! Then a flick and grip to catch.

Including easy to follow instructions with lots of pictures

Color changing string to complement your choice of yoyo material

3 different yoyo styles to swap out on the fly

Speaking of customization, each shell style can have its own material and not bound to any animations, just drag the material u want on the shell you want in unity before uploading, go ahead and even make your own and drag it on. All bonus materials have Audiolink


  1. This package CANNOT be shared, redistributed, or given to anyone who has not also purchased it.
  2. You are allowed to commission/use it in commissions as long as both parties have purchased it.
  3. You can add to public avatars if you want, but not directly share files. please still credit me at YerGodDamnRight#0202 and link to this page.
  4. This asset is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. you cannot use it commercially
  5. This asset is NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE. Don't buy unless you have a pc
  6. You are allowed to make and sell custom materials/textures for it.
  7. Not responsible for importing assets incorrectly resulting in the breaking of your avatar, import things in the correct order
  8. No Refunds or Returns

Package contents

  • Install Instructions, FBX, Animations, Controllers, Textures, SPP files for PBR


7.7k tris

1 bool

1 int

2 floats

4 active materials

Network synced!


Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.0 used in this asset (poiyomi#0001)
Avatar 3.0 Manager to copy over animations to your avatar's controllers (VRLabs)

Limited Support

You are expected to have minimal proficiency in Unity to add this item (follow the pretty picture instructions). I can be reached for some support through DMs or my discord server, just let me know who you are and what you're asking about.

Remember to import the SDK, shaders, your avatar, the yoyo

in that order

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VRChat yoyo

Limitless customization
Addictively fun
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